
I am currently a member of the enterprise products group at NVIDIA Corporation working on NVIDIA NeMo, a cloud-native framework to build, customize, and deploy generative AI models anywhere. Before that, I was a member of the autonomous vehicle perception group at NVIDIA Corporation working on the NVIDIA DRIVE platform. Our team was focused on finding open parking spots using deep neural networks. Prior to that, I was a member of the localization team working on methods and algorithms for localizing self-driving cars to high-definition (HD) maps. Our work is available as a part of NVIDIA DRIVE software.

In 2020, I received my PhD degree in computer science from the Department Computer Science at the University of Central Florida (UCF) working under the supervision of Dr. Joseph LaViola. My research was focused on deep recurrent neural networks (RNN) for gesture recognition and synthesis (yes, I did my PhD while I was working full-time for NVIDIA 🙂 ).

Prior to that, I was a student and graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Computer Science at Brock University working under the supervision of Dr. Brian Ross. My master’s research was focused on real-time and automatic object classification and tracking using genetic programming (GP) and NVIDIA CUDA.